Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Whazziss? : Wheaty Stuff

Rural life is a whole new experience. There are plants, bugs, animals, and all sorts of things we never encountered in the city. Things that we've found here in the open air, wild trees & exciting way of life.

I started googling these items, but honestly, trying to match a picture with another picture, viewing hundreds that look the same....ugh. Too tough. So, as I run across these many things around here, I'll post them on a small blog post, for you, my trusty friends, to tell me what it is! It's called.... Whazziss?

Wheaty Stuff

This stuff is all around my property.

It is tall (about 2-3 feet), and has a type of seed head on the tip that opened up when it turned brown.

My bunny and chickens liked to eat the tops when it was green.

It sprouted late April, and was green.

Close ups of the tops when green, and then, when brown.

In early June it tuned brown, but doesn't look dead...just brown.

Can anyone tell my what this 'wheaty' weed is?


  1. Always have called this Cheat Grass
    Boy, oh boy, does it hurt and gets into your socks and goes thru soft tennis shoe material.

    1. If it sticks to your clothing and your pets it is Downy brome(Cheat Grass). Be very careful with this type of grass as it burrows into skin, dog ears and mouths.
      If it doesnt stick to you the it may be Bromus ciliatus (Fringed Broom grass).

  2. We have both on the property, this isn't the sticky one. I have had the dogs come in with the other one embedded in their toes & lips. :-(

    Thanks! Love the links you share.
